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Re: saving these discussion sites

From: njowske@hotmail.com
Date: 09 Feb 2002


Well, well...how good to hear from you, Charles! I wouldn't dream of criticizing Russ's work here, and had no idea the ISC had abandoned the site. Too bad. I may be computer naive (I KNOW I'm illiterate) but would it be too very difficult to just remain each board? The public sculpture board seems to be functioning well, except for the problem with blocks of unbroken text. I really believe one huge problem is with the divisions now in place...with obscure technical questions dominating nearly every board, at first glance. Easy enough to understand, as the divisions themselves are strictly along technical lines. As for time spent sculpting versus writing about it...well, I like to do both. Like anything potentially addictive, it is for me merely a matter of self control when it comes to these discussion boards. Maybe a group organized on the boards, with the discussions taking place off the boards in group emails might be the answer.

no faith, all hope is broken

From: wilhelmbr@mail1.vcu.edu
Date: 28 Jul 2002


with no faith all hope is broken. this was in a poem a friend wrote for me. He wrote it with out caring wether or not the words made sense, to him or to the person reading. Because of that people reacted to his writing. Good, bad, it realy didnt make a difference. It was the fact that it made people think and not just read it and forget it as quick as they read it. Why doesnt some one write to this site and say something to actually provoke a discussion. Or maybe you dont want that, i dont know. I do. So I'll come back and see if this gets posted then i will actually write something.

Last changed: July 28, 2002